A CHARITY which recycles furniture for low income families is celebrating after securing funding which means it can expand its services.

The Network Furniture Centre in Lisle Avenue, Kidderminster, has been given £39,220 from Welcome to our Future, the county's Local Agenda 21 organisation, to help cover running expenses.

The money, raised from landfill tax, is managed by Severn Waste Environmental Fund and awarded to projects that benefit the environment.

Workers from the centre collect donated furniture in Wyre Forest that would otherwise go into landfill sites and sell it at a minimal cost to needy folk.

The support means the centre, which repairs and upgrades the donated furniture can extend its services.

Furniture centre manager Neil Pollard said: "We are delighted to receive support from the Environmental Fund.

"The money will help benefit residents now and our environment in the future.

"It means we can now open Sunday to Thursday and give people on low incomes the chance to get here.

"There is a huge surplus of furniture being offered to us and a growing need for low cost furniture in the community. This money will help to bring furniture and residents together."

The centre is part of the Oldington and Foley Park Community Network, a registered charity based at the community centre in Dowles Road.

It was set up five years ago and last year distributed more than 2,500 pieces of furniture to the needy.

The organisation runs free day classes with Kidderminster College in basic woodwork and upholstery for residents in the wards of Oldington and Foley Park.

For more information contact the centre on 01562 744453.