COFFEE MORNING: Christine Collins will once again host a fund-raising event to support the Gorka Hospital for Children in Poland. This is a specialist orthopaedic unit, which Christine and her husband Michael have been supporting recently. They hope to repeat the success of the lunch which they held last year, which raised sufficient money to fund improved specialist lighting in the operating theatre.

Meanwhile, their coffee morning will be held at 35, Blenheim Drive, Bredon on Thursday, March 27, 10.30am to noon. There will be home made cakes, scones, jams and other preserves, a raffle and bring and buy.

FUND RAISING: Carol Malpass raised about £300 for the Cobalt unit in a very long to very short sponsored hair cut. Carol thanks Drapers, The Royal Oak and The Crown Inn and all friends and family who supported her.

At the recent Bredon Market, greeting cards were on sale for the Cobalt unit. The group would welcome birthday cards in good condition to be recycled by them. They thank all those who make the cards up, and who take them to the keep fit class, Darby and Joan Club, WI and Tewkesbury Hospital.

TRAFFIC: Heavy traffic through the village following the fatal accident at Ashchurch recently is a timely reminder of the problems the village may have to face when the railway bridge at Ashchurch is replaced. Thorough police speed checks will be the absolute minimum to secure the safety of road users and pedestrians alike.