PARISH COUNCIL: The monthly meeting was held in King Georges Hall. Coun L Stow chaired the meeting.

Street lighting will go ahead in the near future in Gloucester Lane and Cedar Road.

The lime tree in the churchyard will be dealt with by Windrush, tree surgeons.

The moles in the cemetery are still being monitored. It was observed that their activities are lessening.

There is some progress being made on the Cotswold District Council Art Project. It could be made possible for the money available to be spent on a village project.

An estimate has been received by D Moss for the work required to the church steps. It was agreed by all councillors to seek three further estimates for the work. Coun M Smith has repaired a field gate and replaced the catch to the junior playing fields gate.

Plans have been sent to the district valuer for the purchase of land to extend the cemetery.

Public time: Mr Roger Stone said that leaflets were being distributed shortly for the Broadband Campaign and 34 people have expressed an interest but 200 or more names are required.

The council tax is to rise by 14 per cent.

There is going to be a charge made for the collection of bulky waste from April 1.

Footpaths and roads: It was reported that the brick wall along the church alley requires attention. The owner will be written to.

Maintenance of Grounds: It was agreed to employ an odd job man for eight hours a month. Duties will include, keeping the village signpost clean, keeping the plantation, alleys, bus shelter and seating areas clean and tidy, picking up litter and seeing that all road signs are visible and any other work redeemed necessary. The job will be advertised locally.

Newsletter: Coun F Harrison, J Medlin and Franklin, have agreed to get together and devise a four page bulletin ranging from bins to potholes to dog mess,

King Georges Hall: A questionnaire will be received by everyone in Mickleton. The information gathered will be processed. The hall committee has submitted plans to bring the hall up to the European standards required and the necessary grants will be sorted.

AOB: Coun J Medlin announced that he is going to walk all the rights of way in Mickleton.

Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 26, at 7pm. The AGM is at 8pm.

VIP GROUP: Will be meeting at the Joseph Webb Hall, Chapel Lane, Mickleton on Tuesday, March 11, from 11am to 12.30pm.

These informal meetings offer an opportunity for visually impaired people in Mickleton and the surrounding villages to meet in a relaxed atmosphere.