USERS of the social services day centre in Pershore put up bird boxes they made with the help of the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers at Tiddesley Wood on Monday.

The Three Springs Day Centre provides day opportunities through leisure, recreational and educational activities, both within the unit and the local community, and it has been working with BTCV to encourage users to help make a real difference to their wildlife while achieving a qualification from the British Institute for Enviro-nmental Conservation.

Bob Horan, Three Springs Day Centre's officer, said: "This project has had many positive outcomes for all the service users involved, from learning basic carpentry skills through to increasing knowledge of nature and conservation issues. The links with BTCV will continue as the success of the project is monitored."

Mike Price, Worcestershire's community projects officer for BTCV, added: "In focusing on those with learning difficulties and mobility issues, BTCV has begun to develop a key local partnership with those working in the social care sector."