VILLAGE FORUM: The February meeting was again well-attended and the chairman, Maurice Andrews, welcomed many new residents attending for the first time.

Among the many subjects reported upon and discussed were: Highways maintenance and parking; heavy-goods vehicle traffic; local plan and planning applications; access across the village greens, and the position of the parish council and the forthcoming local elections on May 1. The annual parish meeting is to be held on Wednesday, March 26 at 7.30pm.

VILLAGE HALL: The February coffee morning held in the hall in aid of hall funds raised £476 and the management committee wishes to thank all the helpers and supporters for another grand result.

MOBILE LIBRARY: The Gloucestershire County Mobile Library visits are still well supported and much appreciated. Next visit March 18 at Collin Close (2.40pm) and Bell Inn (3.05pm).

MOBILE POLICE STATION: Next visit - Sunday, March 30, 3.15pm to 4.15pm, Main Street.

CANCER RESEARCH UK: On Tuesday there will be a coffee morning (10.30am-noon) and an afternoon cuppa (2.30pm-4pm), with a bring and buy and raffle, at Christen Mares by invitation of David and Jane Hammond.

TUESDAY FELLOWSHIP: At the last meeting the speaker from Gloucester spoke on Winston's Wish and with the aid of slides gave an insight into the help that is available to bereaved families. There will be no March meeting but members will attend the Women's World Day of Prayer at St Peter's Church TOMORROW when the speaker will be Canon Ruth Wintle.

PARISH WALKS: The next walk will be on Sunday, March 9, meeting at the Jubilee tree at 2pm for a 3-4 mile walk.

ST PETER'S CHURCH: The annual parish church meeting will be held in the church on Tuesday, March 18, at 7.30pm.

ANNUAL PARISH MEETING: The annual parish meeting will be held in the village hall on Wednesday, March 26 at 7.30pm. Village organisations, clubs and societies are invited to submit reports on their activities either at the meeting or, in advance, to the clerk, Mr Philip Ord or the chairman, Maurice Andrews.

WILLERSEY MUSIC: Two events are being planned by the recently-formed Willersey Music. Both events will be in St Peter's Church - on Saturday, May 17 at 7.30pm a Songs of Praise with items by David Griffiths, Doreen Busbridge and the Avonbank Brass Group, and on Saturday, August 2, at 7pm a song recital by Andrew Matthews (tenor) accompanied by David Griffiths, and Interval Music at the Organ.

WEDNESDAY CLUB: At the first of the February meetings the chairman, Helen Rhoden, introduced Mrs Angela Newell who spoke about the County Air Ambulance, its funding and operations. The next meeting on March 19 will hear a talk by Mr Nicholas Clark on Costa Rica.