I was sorry to read that the retailers in Broadway are having problems with burglars and my sympathy goes out to them. However, one has to ask why there are problems in this pretty village?

Could it possibly be due to the fact that the village is now a tourist backwater due to the closure of the main road in favour of the bypass?

Burglars love quiet roads with a quick escape and this would appear to be a gift to those who would seek to benefit from others hard labours.

My reason for writing is to suggest to the residents of Wyre Piddle that a lesson must be learnt from Broadways' misfortunes. We have a public enquiry in a few weeks which will decide what should be done with the road through the village and I would urge all the residents of the village to seriously consider their position in the light of Broadways' experience.

John Stych, Wyre Piddle.