TEACHERS, parents and governors eager to find out more about the education review under way in Wyre Forest are urged to attend the first public meeting in the district on the issue.

The event, hosted by Stourport Town Council, will be held at Stourport Civic Hall on Wednesday, March 19 at 7pm.

Education officers led by the county's chief of policy development, Colin Weeden, will outline the reasons for the review and discuss the range of possible outcomes.

The review was launched last year as part of a county-wide exercise to assess the state of schools. In Wyre Forest issues surrounding falling pupil numbers and poor educational standards are crucial factors under consideration.

The review team will put forward two options - to retain the current three-tier system which dominates in the district, or to switch to a two-tier primary/secondary system.

Some first schools will close, whichever option is pursued, with middle and high schools also likely to be affected, because there are too few pupils to fill all the places available.

The meeting in Stourport will be the first of a series, with others set to take place in Kidderminster and Bewdley, before officers draw up the detailed options to go before county councillors for debate in April or May.