A MAN has been cleared of attacking his former wife after insisting he acted in self defence.

Brett Murphy told a jury that Hilary Mehew, who was six inches taller, launched herself at him on a visit to his home in St Cecilia Close, Kidderminster.

He denied assaulting her and causing actual bodily harm during an argument and was found not guilty after a two-day trial.

The prosecution alleged that Miss Mehew, a mother-of-two, was attacked a short time after arriving at his home with the couple's children.

She told Worcester Crown Court that he was drunk and had punched her in the face and kicked her.

Michael Hall, licensee of The Crown in Hoobrook, Kidderminster, confirmed that Murphy had only had two drinks on the night of the alleged assault on June 20 last year and was not drunk when he left the pub.

Murphy, 42, said the children had gone to bed and he was arguing with his ex-wife in the lounge when she sprang at him and hit him in the chest.

He denied her claim that he had punched her in the face.