I REFER to the recent article describing the proposed redevelopment of Victoria Carpets Cricket Club sports field into a hotel and leisure complex.

This illustrates yet another example of commercial greed and ignores the feelings of the local community.

The increasing loss of sports grounds across the country is frequently referred to in the press and continues almost unchallenged.

Hotels and leisure centres are not exactly in short supply. Do we need another one? Perhaps a thought should be given to what is being lost.

Cricket at Victoria & Blakeley Hall continues to flourish, with both senior and junior teams of all age groups from nine through to 17.

Membership of the junior section increases annually and is now in excess of 100. The club has an impressive record of achievement over recent years in many competitions at all ages and always provides representatives for Worcestershire Young Cricketers in most age groups.

Training sessions are always heavily attended and there is a real community in place here from a wide area around Kidderminster.

Should the people of Kidderminster lose all this?

Victoria Carpets managing director Alan Bullock said: "At the moment it's a private sports ground that's hardly ever used."

Obviously Mr Bullock doesn't drive past his ground very often otherwise he would see it in use daily and often twice a day between May and September with people enjoying healthy outdoor recreation!

Hopefully Wyre Forest District Council's planning committee will bear these factors in mind before allowing the interests of business to overrule the wishes of the local community.


Norton Road
