A MAN who indecently assaulted a 15-year-old boy has been given a 12-month conditional discharge at Worcester Crown Court and ordered to pay £100 costs.

Judge John Cavell told Shane Downer, 31, that he was not imposing a custodial sentence because it had been a consensual homosexual relationship which would have been legal had the boy been 16.

Downer, of Areley Common, Stourport, who pleaded guilty to the offence which happened five years ago, was ordered to register as a sex offender for five years.

Miss Evelyn Bugeja, prosecuting, said the relationship between the pair had continued for a time after the lad was 16.

Downer told police that he was confused about his sexuality and had been attracted to the boy.

Roderick Henderson, defending, said Downer had an otherwise spotless character and had shown misplaced affection.

He had not tried to exploit the relationship and repetition was unlikely.