YOUR correspondent Mike Dixon (Shuttle/Times and News Letters, February 27) shows the deep ignorance amongst the liberal "peace" campaigners, who went on the London march.

Apart from their lack of knowledge about the appeasers of the 1930s, there are glaring gaps in his geographical knowledge.

He was thanked by an Algerian, and he thinks this is in aid of "peace at home" in Iraq.

Algeria is nearly 2,000 miles and five countries from Iraq. Many Algerian "refugees" are fundamentalists their country is happy to export.

The march, however, contained few, if any, Iraqis, Kuwaitis, Persians, Kurds, Bahrainis or Qataris, indeed anyone neighbouring Saddam Hussain, the evil mass murderer.

Mr Dixon should therefore remember one of the oldest adages: "Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to repeat it."


