THE Shuttle/Times and News front page on February 27 informed the public about the behaviour of our local political thespians rehearsing for what they hope will be a successful performance on May 1 at district council elections.

The usual drama queen and kings were on hand with insults and false horror at any subject offering opportunity to rouse their fans into action.

Unfortunately the public can only go on what was reported and not experience the conduct of some of our elected representatives, who have no shame, and believe politics is paramount.

Working for the public, who made the mistake of electing them, is a mere interruption to the game of politics.

I am ashamed that I sit in the same room as some of them, and hope that the electors of Wyre Forest will not be fooled by the behaviour of these regular prima donnas, so skilled at personal attacks and insults.

Their gratuitous nastiness has to be experienced to be believed.


Health Concern district councillor for Bewdley

Telford Drive
