A WOMAN who knits doll costumes and children's clothes for charity is so prolific in her efforts she is running out of good causes to support.

Mrs Dorothy Smith, known to her friends as Paddy, started knitting 60 years ago when she was 14. However, the hobby took on a greater importance after tragedy struck some ten years ago. "Since my husband died of cancer knitting is the only thing that has kept me going," she said. "I would recommend it to anyone."

Over the years Mrs Smith, who lives in Willersey, has donated home-knitted items to the Macmillan Nurses, Evesham Hospital, St Richard's Hospice in Worcester, Daniel O'Donnell's appeal for Romanian children and many others.

She has also found time to knit for her own six children, ten grandchildren and 12 great-grand children.

Despite having so many people and groups appreciative of her efforts, Mrs Smith says she still has plenty of spare items to give to good causes.

"I have got through boxes and boxes of dolls, which I have knitted clothes for, and have made lots of jumpers for children.

"I am looking for somebody who can make good use of them, either by selling them for charity or by sending them directly to needy children," she said.

Anyone who represents a group or charity that could benefit from Mrs Smith's knitted items should call her on 01386 852716.ok

Donations of wool would also be gratefully received. "When people give me wool I don't waste a single piece," said Mrs Smith.