THE majority of UK citizens have ancestral roots several hundred years old. We are proud of our heritage and have great love of our country.

We are also the present custodians of a venerable democracy and sovereignty, which our ancestors and immediate relatives have defended against enemies from Europe at great cost in human lives.

These priceless heirlooms are again under threat, this time from enemies without society.

Gutless politicians are progressively eroding them by way of agreement with, and acceptance of directives from, the EU for which they have no mandate from the British electorate.

They are aided and abetted by avid europhiles who appear to have no allegiance to our country, are experts in hyperbole and often make misleading statements that have no factual basis.

We must not let this betrayal of our ancestors continue. We have a duty of care to preserve those heirlooms for our descendants, otherwise our ancestors and loved ones will have died in vain.

Therefore, I appeal to all true Britons to give an overwhelming no vote to Parliament when it holds the proposed referendum on total integration with Europe.

Finally, I recommend all europhiles to move post haste and permanently to their beloved Europe.

I M JARVIS, Worcester.