A COMMUNITY centre is set to be bulldozed at the end of the month after a 750-name petition failed to change councillors' minds.

The budget passed by Wyre Forest District Council last week included £25,000 to demolish Horsefair Community Centre and turn into a temporary car park.

The land it occupies is in line to be developed, but an amendment proposed by the Liberal and Labour groups which would have seen it stay open until work begins was unsuccessful.

David Gourley, an independent councillor for the area, accused the Health Concern administration of "ripping the heart out of the community".

Referring to the household survey carried out as part of the budget consultation, he said: "There has been a great deal of credence placed on a public survey recently.

"There is a 750-name petition to return the community centre but I have not heard our colleagues mention it.

"That's 750 people saying please return our community centre."

Council leader Liz Davies said: "We must be in a position to go forward with the redevelopment of this whole area, which is a high priority within our business community. Twelve out of 15 groups have been rehoused."

Health Concern's Ken Stokes, also a Horsefair councillor, said: "That triangle of land has been an absolute blot on the landscape. How people could live with it I do not know.

"Many more people in the Horsefair have asked me what am I going to do with that triangle.

"This is a vote loser for me, I know that.

"But I would rather be fair to the people round there and give them conditions they can live in and help regenerate that area."

Ivor White, chairman of the Horsefair tenants committee, said he did not think there was much else that could be done.

"They're going against the wishes of the people," he said. "I've been looking after the centre for over eight years. It's going to be a real wrench."