TWO new support groups for smokers who want to quit are being launched in Wyre Forest.

Smokers wanting to stub out the habit can take up a course of six hourly sessions starting on Monday March 24 at Bewdley Health Centre from 2-3pm and at the Glades Leisure Centre, Kidderminster, from 4-5pm.

The moves comes as joint messages about the health risks associated with smoking are issued by Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, Wyre Forest Primary Care Trust and the county's Smoking Advisory Service to mark No Smoking Day on Wednesday. The hospitals' trust is particularly targeting staff, patients and visitors about the risks of smoking while poorly or awaiting an operation.

A display will be put up in C-block reception at Kidderminster Hospital on No Smoking Day to highlight the dangers to health and to highlight the amount of rubbish generated by smokers.

Nurses and firefighters will be running an anti-smoking stall at the town's Rowland Hill Centre on Wednesday between 2pm and 5pm.