A FOOTBALL-mad Worcester youngster is shooting for the top after being signed by a professional side.

Speedy winger Zach Dunn has been snapped up for Walsall FC's under-eights team after impressing scouts from the club's training academy.

The eight-year-old, who goes to Cherry Orchard Primary School, now trains once a week at the First Division club's Bescot Stadium.

"He's really enjoying his football at the moment. He's always out practising and hopefully it will be fun for him at Walsall," said his dad, John.

The team play seven and eight-a-side matches against other academy outfits throughout the country.

The keen Wolves fan was spotted by Walsall scout and academy director John Bateman, who runs programmes for children aged between five and 13 at Nunnery Wood, St John's and Perdiswell sports centres in Worcester.

Currently, six players have been sent from the development centres to the First Division team's centre of excellence and Zach is the second to be signed.