A BUNDLE of drugs was thrown out of the window of a Worcester flat when it was raided by drug squad detectives, a court was told.

But both occupants denied knowledge of the heroin which was later found in the garden, said Brett Stevenson, prosecuting at Worcester Crown Court.

He alleged that 29-year-old Jason Grosvenor-Davies had been thrown the drugs out of the property in Mayfield Road.

Grosvenor-Davies, of Foxwell Street, off London Road, Worcester, and John Steade, 28, of Penhill Crescent, St John's, Worcester, deny having the heroin intending to supply it to others. Steade also denies possession of the drug.

Mr Stevenson said the police found that the bundle contained more than 38 grammes of heroin. Grosvenor-Davies told them that he had bought the heroin in Birmingham that day, Thursday, January 17, last year, and it was for his own use.

Steade claimed he was in the lavatory at the time of the raid and knew nothing of drugs being thrown out of the window.

But Mr Stevenson said scales, mobile phones, film wrapping and other drugs apparatus was found.

Steade's wallet contained a number of names and telephone numbers. Analysis of the telephones disclosed messages passed between the defendants.

The trial continues.