WORRIES about three potential accident spots on the A449 have led a Powick councillor to put forward ideas for improving safety.

"You see problems and put up with them and wonder why someone doesn't do something about it," said John Mason.

"But there is a serious accident waiting to happen and I would feel very guilty if I hadn't done anything when I could."

He told the parish council he hoped his suggestions would provoke further discussion and some consideration by the highway department.

One of the worst places was at the junction of Sparrowhall Lane and Malvern Road, where traffic leaving the lane and turning right towards Malvern had no safe haven for the manoeuvre, said Mr Mason.

Vehicles had to turn across the end of a stretch of dual carriageway, with Malvern-bound traffic overtaking before returning to a single lane.

Another member, Brenda Boaler, said traffic coming out of Bastonford and turning right at this point was faced with similar difficulties.

"I think we should extend the single lane from the traffic lights to protect the intersections," said Mr Mason.

He also called for "No Right Turn" signs at Powick Service Station, preventing traffic from crossing the flow of traffic on entering or leaving the station.

Members agreed that this should be a legal requirement on leaving the filling station, but not on entering.

"If this council lends itself to that proposal, we will kill that garage and the potential of having a post office there," said Charles Ellis.

"If you can't turn right into the garage and have to go to the roundabout to turn round, it's just as quick to carry on to Lower Wick."

Members were also divided on Mr Mason's third suggestion, that the lanes entering the Lower Wick roundabout from Powick should be clearly defined as left, right and straight ahead.

Congestion on the roundabout was sometimes so heavy that it was more practical for motorists heading for Worcester to take the left hand lane and skirt around it, some members felt.

There was also some disagreement about the use of a Powick cycle lane, which suddenly ends, forcing cyclists to stop before re-entering the carriageway.

"If you have to stop, there is no point in going down the cycleway at all," said cyclist Brenda Boaler.

She said there should be some provision for cyclists and pedestrians to get to Lower Wick and Worcester without having to brave the traffic on the southern link road.

"Before that roundabout was built we had a direct link into Worcester. Now it's like having to cross the Berlin Wall," she said.