YESTERDAY'S queues were longer than ever as proud parents brought their beautiful babies to be photographed for the Evening News Baby of the Year competition.

The line of mums, dads and children stretched from one end of Woolworths' High Street store to the other for most of the day.

Around 300 babies have now been pictured and the photographers will be there again today and all day tomorrow, from 10am to 5pm.

Near the front of yesterday's queue was 18-month-old Kirah Ghose.

"I can't wait to see the pictures," said her mum, Trudy.

"She was getting tired when it was our turn, because she usually has a sleep at 11 o'clock."

The photographs can be viewed on Friday and Saturday, March 14 and 15, when parents should remember to take along a token from the newspaper. Today's token appears on page 21.

Three photos are taken free of charge and parents will be able to choose one for the competition, which is also free.

Their chosen picture will be published in a special Baby of the Year supplement, to be included in the Evening News during the first week of April.

Readers will be invited to vote for their favourite three babies, in three different categories; from birth to nine months, 10 to 18 months and 19 to 36 months.

The winner will receive a 20in by 16in framed colour portrait worth £250, an engraved silver salver and £150 cash.

The two other finalists will receive a 15in by 12in portrait worth £150, plus £75 cash and two runners-up in each category will receive a 10in by 8in framed colour portrait worth £75.