BROMESBERROW and District Gardening and Social Club are holding their spring meeting on Thursday at 8pm in Bromesberrow Village Hall. All those gardeners eager to make a start as soon as conditions permit will be getting some useful and timely advice such as sowing seeds etc. There will also be a guide to pigeon fancying and the added bonus of a hot cross bun supper! The meeting is open to all villagers and also to anyone locally with a gardening interest who wants to meet people. The Valentine's meeting attracted over 50 people and included a presentation by John and Suzanne Wilesmith on how they started the Bird Table Company and they kindly donated a bird table for the raffle. If you would like further information about the club, ring Jane Watkins on (01531) 650145.

The annual parish meeting will be held on Monday, March 17 at 7pm which gives the electors of the parish a chance to have their say. Items for discussion must be sent to the clerk by today (Friday).

There will be a giant jumble sale on Saturday, March 29 at 2pm in the village hall, which is being organised by the Friends of Bromesberrow St Mary's School in memory of Ann Boswell. Ann sadly lost her fight against cancer during the Christmas period last year. She was a great supporter of the school's fundraising events and all the money raised will go to St Michael's Hospice. Any jumble, toys, book etc may be taken to the school during school hours or to Rachel Padley. If jumble needs collecting contact Rachel on (01531) 650388.

On Sunday at 10am there will be a service of parish communion, common worship at St Mary's Church Bromesberrow on the first Sunday in Lent.

Congratulations to the nature team of Bromesberrow St Mary's School who won the first round in the Gloucestershire Wildlife quiz at Picklenash School, Newent, by a score of 37-31. This was a great achievement for them. The Nature Club, run by Mrs Rachel Padley, conducted the one hour bird watch and were amazed to see the variety of birds who visited the back of the school in just one hour.

The next meeting of Bromesberrow Ramblers will be on Tuesday, March 25 at Bromesgreen Village Hall car park for a daffodil walk.

A date for your diary, Bromesberrow St Mary's School spring fayre will be on Saturday, April 5 at 2pm in the school.