TONIGHT (Friday) is the Colwall Players fun quiz night - 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Teams of four £6. Refreshments and bar will be available.

A flamenco extravaganza will take place at Colwall Village Hall tomorrow at 7.30pm. The price is £16 including a tapas meal. Tel (01684) 566506 for more information. There will also be a Flamenco dance and guitar workshops tomorrow and Sunday.

This afternoon, the Women's World Day of Prayer service takes place at 2pm at St James Church, Colwall. The speaker will be the Reverend Jeanette Turner, Herefordshire county ecumenical officer. Everyone is welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served after the service.

The next session of Young Colwall Players begins on Saturday, March 22 at 10am in the Jean Simon Room at the village hall.