THE monthly bingo was held on Thursday in Pauntley Memorial Hall at Brand Green. Mrs Eunice Cooper was the caller. There was a very friendly atmosphere and it was good to see the younger people present. They were lucky prize winners and were very helpful in preparing the room and clearing away. There was an extensive raffle with some useful prizes. At half time the ladies served beverages and rather special biscuits. Proceeds are for hall funds.

The next bingo session will be held on Thursday, March 27 at 7.30pm. All are welcome so why not give it a try? It's a very friendly evening with good prizes and helps the village hall finances.

Payford Bridge work begins on Monday for 15 weeks. Long delays are possible. Work has now started on the resurfacing of the road through Redmarley D'Abitot village. Travellers to Pauntley via the village will face a diversion, ramps and delays. However, the resurfacing is long overdue and when completed a great improvement will be noticed.