SATURDAY was a memorable day for Mrs Jessie Williams, churchwarden of Upleadon Church. Together with other members of the Redmarley local ministry team, Jessie was re-mandated to serve for another three years. This took place in a service entitled A Celebration of Ministry held in Gloucester Cathedral. The re-mandating was conducted by the Right Reverend David Bentley, the Bishop of Gloucester. The Bishop of Tewkesbury, the Right Reverend John Went was also present as was the Reverend Patricia Phillips, the Rector of Upleadon. In the service the idea of ladders played an important part. The preacher was the Reverend Canon Andrew Bowden, who was the Diocese's first local ministry officer. He took as his text Genesis 28: 10-19 and developed the theme of ladders relating it to the local ministry experiences.

The local ministry scheme has been in operation in the Gloucester diocese for 11 years. However Mrs Williams was a member of the original lay pastorate when it was formed in the Redmarley group of parishes in September 1986. At that time the then Bishop of Gloucester, the Right Reverend John Yates commissioned this innovative lay pastorate.

Mrs Williams together with fellow churchwarden Mr Albert Vye and PCC lay chairman Mr Gerald Draper cares for the fabric of St Mary the Virgin Parish Church in Upleadon. As a member of the local team ministry, Jessie also conducts and assists with worship in Upleadon, Pauntley and Oxenhall. She is a tireless worker for the church and for her faith.