A NEW monthly village coffee morning has been established, called - intriguingly - Curious Blend. The first one on February 27 was very well supported and the organisers were pleased to see so many people. Everyone is welcome to drop in to the Memorial Hall between 10am and noon on the last Thursday of every month. A cup of coffee or tea will cost 70p and refills are free! Villagers and their friends can meet for a regular chat and walkers or cyclists could use it as the start or finish of their expedition. The next Curious Blend will be on March 27 and there could be a bring and buy table if there is enough interest.

The Garden Club will meet as usual on March 12 at 7.45pm when the speaker will be George Hill talking about azaleas and rhododendrons. Mr Hill is head gardener at Burwarton House.

There will be an additional meeting of the parish council next Tuesday, March 11 at 7.30pm to consider planning applications at Pegs Farm and Priors Court.