UPTON were back on league business on Saturday and welcomed third-placed Veseyans.


Their arrival was delayed by a motorway closure, but by the new start time at 3pm Veseyans were all fired up and kicked off down the slope with the cross-field wind in their favour.

Upton were under pressure but managed to withstand the onslaught and in turn tried their hand at counter attacking. This to-ing and fro-ing up and down the pitch carried on for the rest of the half as both teams tested each other out, with mistakes being made by both sides. The closest either side came to scoring was through a missed penalty attempt from each team.

Following the half time team talks, a slight improvement in play was shown from these two fairly evenly matched sides but it was still pretty dour stuff with Veseyans backs just edging the difference. The only scores came from three successful penalty kicks from the boot of Browne for Veseyans.

This result leaves Upton still in mid table, but with lower teams gaining points the pressure is now on again in the last three league matches to avoid the dreaded drop.

This all means that Upton need to get a good result in their next league match on March 15 away to Stourport.