TWO country pub landlords were in trouble with the courts this week 100 years ago.

The Journal reported the cases from the Worcester County Petty Sessions:-

"James Brown, licensee of the Fox and Hounds, Lulsley, was summonsed under the Child Messenger Act for supplying a child under 14 years of age with two quarts of beer in a vessel not properly sealed. He pleaded guilty.

"Pol. Sgt Griffin said that last Sunday morning he met a boy, Albert Griffiths, going with a jar towards the public house. Later, he again saw the boy, who was 12 years old, returning with the jar filled with two quarts of beer. It was corked but unsealed. Brown was fined 10 shillings with costs."

"John Hicken, licensee of the Masons Arms, Wichenford, was summonsed under the Food and Drugs Act for selling adulterated gin. He pleaded guilty.

"Mr C.C Duncan, the County Analyst, said a pint of gin bought at the Masons Arms proved to be 41 degrees under proof. Defendant said he was absent at the time the gin was supplied by his daughter. He was fined £3 with 10s. costs."