ONE of the most eagerly anticipated albums of the year is almost ready to be released - and the Evening News has been granted an exclusive sneak preview.

The finishing touches are currently being put on Invaders from Marrs, the debut album from surreal Worcester rockers, The George Cowley Experience.

The ground-breaking long-player is being sold to raise money for Comic Relief after the band recorded it at Worcester's Marrs Bar last week.

To whet fans' appetites, Experience frontman Pete Unwin has agreed to provide a track-by-track guide to the album everyone is talking about.

Throckmorton Blues: "There is great confusion in the country at the moment about the asylum seeker issue, and not a little NIMBYism. I hope Toyah Wilcox likes the track, and the suggestion at the end that she sell her house to me at a substantial discount is not really a serious one."

1. Shefali

"The calm and beautiful one from "Midlands Today", so admired by George himself. Oh why doesn't she stand for political office? She could have this 30s style jazz-style track as her campaign anthem."

2. Ringtone Ringing in a Public Place

"The song comes as a timely reminder to young ladies that there are some things a man just won't put up with, and the incessant ringing of your mobile phone is one of those things."

3. Mother's Been Taken by the WI

"This is a track which is in our "spook rock" style and is best not listened to alone."

4. Epicentre Dudley

"It's a ska-type celebration of not only the Great Quake of September 2002 but of the other attractions of Dudley, such as its zoo."

5. Thrill Me, Thrill Me (Bring Back the Trilby)

"The band's attempt to reintroduce the trilby as a fashion "must have" has not been that successful - quite the opposite. We have been refused admission to a number of venues across the country for sporting such headgear.

"This is baldist discrimination at its very worst."

6. Hereford, Land of a Thousand Charity Shops

"I love charity shops, especially their recycling element, and believe that there should be more such shops in our high streets.

"It is unusual to find references to Haynes manuals, Hyundai cars and Toyota Corollas all within the context of what is essentially a spiritual song."

7. Justin and his Fabulous Organ

"Readers may recall the Evening News putting out an all ports appeal for the mysterious Justin from "just over the road" from The Coach and Horses to appear at the George Cowley Experience "Left Banks Show" in late 2002.

"Well, Justin and his agent did appear for a brief, blistering performance that night and have not been heard of since."

8. Mr Cowley, Mr Cowley (Roll of Honour, Roll of Shame)

"The CD closes with Mr Mark Lazenby reciting George's own list of supporters, detractors and inbetweenies."

The album, priced £4.99, will be available on Friday, March 14, from the Marr's Bar, Pierpoint Street; Music City, The Tything; The University College Worcester coffee shop; The Coach and Horses pub, The Tything; Narraway butcher's, St John's; Andy's Records, Friary Walk; Tourist Information Centre, The Guildhall; and Capuchin's caf, Sidbury.