THE issue of Great Malvern town centre is the subject of regular and too often negative missives submitted to the letters pages of the Malvern Gazette & Ledbury Reporter.

I can assure readers Malvern Hills District Council and other interested organisations and individuals including Malvern Town Council, Great Malvern traders and representatives from The Malverns Experience, are committed to making real and lasting improvements not only to the physical environment but also to its 'shopping offer' and its promotion.

Following initial meetings and business visits carried out by the leader of the district council, Coun Reg Farmer, chief executive, Chris Bocock and myself, we are in the process of developing projects and actions that will start the process of putting the 'great' back into Great Malvern.

No pun intended but it will be an uphill struggle given the topography, absentee landlords, limited finance etc. However, the key ingredients of commitment and imagination do exist.

Continual carping won't help the process as such negativity destroys confidence in the town centre and our ability to do positive work to improve the situation.

A wider debate giving residents and business the chance to be involved in developing the action plans will be held in June, so look out for details.

In the meantime... think positive, talk the town up!

LEE ROBSON, head of community & economic development, Malvern Hills District Council, The Council House, Avenue Road, Malvern.

l Members of The Malverns Experience are working with the district and town councils to put the 'great' back into Great Malvern.