IT'S good to see the Jubilee trees planted last year as replacement for those that died doing well alongside the originals and settling into the landscape. Long may they thrive.

I would like to request some care and attention for the forgotten trees that grow on the right hand side of the bypass travelling from the Countrywide roundabout up to the Gloucester Road roundabout. I have no idea who planted them but hope this letter will encourage a response.

I remember them being planted and have watched with dismay as they have been regularly flailed along with the hedge.

Whoever planted them clearly had a future in mind for them so it's sad they seem to have been forgotten afterwards. We know trees are a long-term investment and it's disappointing to see them damaged in this way when with a little thought, they could have made a satisfying contribution to the landscape in that area as trees rather than just part of the hedge.

It is not too late for those left intact, if regular thought can be given to their future. If their branches are in the way of hedge cutting, the canopies could be lifted so that the tractor can pass underneath unhindered. Nothing looks worse than ragged, split branches on what could have been a handsome tree.

Returning to the Jubilee trees, I would not like to see the same fate befall them by being flailed to keep them off the road, and hope that whoever is in charge of their aftercare has a better plan if the lower branches are to be removed in some way.

Much is made of Ledbury in Bloom each year, so let's see some of that fervour extended towards trees in Ledbury for the long-term. Trees last long after the geraniums have wilted. Now might also be a good time to ask if Ledbury still has a tree warden?

HELEN CASEMORE, Bromsberrow Heath, Ledbury.