YOU kindly carried a report of our golden wedding anniversary (Ledbury Reporter, February 21).

Little were we to know then of the pleasant surprise that in store for us.

Having expected a small family get together over dinner at a local hostelry, we found ourselves delivered to the Ledbury Community Centre which was in total darkness. The lights went on as we walked in to disclose about 130 people gathered to share in our joy.

These included our three sons and immediate family and just about all Jane's family from Scotland, mine from Kent, several old RAF colleagues from years back and, of course, our many dear local friends.

There had been a great game hiding them away so that we should not meet up in town before the event. It has been suggested by some that this was the first occasion that I had been rendered speechless.

May we thank the many people who helped to arrange this wonderful surprise, the preparation of the buffet, accommodation for the visitors, decoration of the centre and many other jobs that had to be done. In particular, we would like to thank Ron and Barbara Bumfrey who plotted with our sons over many months.

Sincere thanks also for those kind folk who made donations in lieu of presents and we are pleased to report we will be handing £400 over to the Swifts Junior Football Club. The world is full of nice people.

DON & JANE RULE, Woodfield Road, Ledbury.