I was dismayed to read in the Ledbury Reporter (February 28) that, based on a show of hands from a tiny, unrepresentative minority at a recent public meeting, the ghastly idea of defacing Ledbury's Market House with a modern lift and stairway "has taken a big step forward".

I implore everyone who, like me, thinks this official vandalism must be stopped, to write to the town council now and make their feelings known.

While I applaud efforts to make council meetings and wedding ceremonies accessible by the disabled, this must not be done at the cost of desecrating Ledbury's ancient fabric and our architectural heritage.

The answer to these access issues is obvious: either hold these meetings in a more accessible location elsewhere or pursue the earlier suggestion of a high-tech video link to nearby premises.

English Heritage (on this evidence, an organisation not worthy of its name) seems hell-bent on destroying the unique character of Ledbury.

If they are allowed to do so, the tourists, some of whom apparently "want to get into the Market House, but can't", will no longer be around. Glass lifts and metal stairways are ten-a-penny, ancient, timber-framed market houses are not.

Come on people of Ledbury, let's stop this madness now!

Derek Phillips, Bank Crescent, Ledbury.