More volunteers are needed to help keep Malvern tidy.

The Duckworth Worcestershire Trust is looking for extra members for its volunteer litter warden service.

Wardens are given free litter pickers, bags, gloves and other support. In exchange, they pledge to make regular litter-picks of their chosen area. There are 18 registered wardens in Malvern and last year they picked up nearly two tonnes of litter.

Project manager Mark Driscoll said: "People can decide to look after their street, part of a park or green space, or a footpath - anywhere where they feel there is a problem."

Anyone interested is invited to a meeting on Monday, March 10, at the Civil Service Club in Spring Lane, starting at 7.30pm.

Trust personnel will be on hand to explain how the scheme works and what it involves.

This week trust volunteers were tidying verges along Townsend Way, a task carried out jointly with Malvern Town Council and the Malvern Hills Conservators. The trust will also be working together with the council on clearing a watercourse near Elgar Avenue.