THE final event in Worcester Concert Club's 2002/3 season features Naomi Boole-Masterson (cello) and Fali Pavri (piano), performing sonatas by Debussy, Schubert and Rachmaninoff.

Awarded a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music in 1990, Naomi Boole-Masterson won all the major cello prizes during her time there.

Her subsequent career has encompassed numerous recital and concerto performances with many major musicians and orchestras.

Fali Pavri, Naomi's husband, studied at the Moscow Conservatoire and the Royal Academy of Music, and has collaborated with many of the world's most eminent musicians.

The concert is at 3pm on Sunday, March 16, at Huntingdon Hall. Tickets (adults £10, concessions £9, students £3) are available from the box office on 01905 611427.

Worcester Concert Club will be launching a competition for teenage composers from the county later in the year.

Details of the Thomas Tomkins Young Composer Prizes will be posted on the website in July.