FRIENDS of the Upton Jazz Festival have organised a concert at Hanley Castle.

The Sammy Rimington/John Petters New Orleans All Stars will be the guest performers at Hanley Castle High School on Friday, March 14 from 8pm.

Clarinettist and saxophonist Sammy Rimington has been a frequent and popular visitor to Upton since the Friends started holding concerts in the Eighties.

He started playing professionally more than 40 years ago, at the age of 18, with the Ken Colyer Jazzmen. He has toured and played with many of the great names in New Orleans-style jazz.

He now lives in Sweden and also leads his own band in Europe.

The John Petters Band brings together some well known UK jazz stars, many familiar to Upton audiences in their own right. Tickets are available from 01684 593794 or from Pepperpot Print, 23 High Street, Upton.