A KEEN amateur singer has secured a place to study music at the prestigious Birmingham Conservatoire.

Ian Gifford, a software engineer who works at QinetiQ, has appeared in many concerts throughout the area and is a member of the Greenwood Singers, the Bransford Singers and the Pax Singers.

The 28-year-old, who lives on Arosa Drive, also appeared on national television last month on Channel 4's Operatunity show, in which amateur opera singers auditioned on camera to take part in a national professional production.

Mr Gifford is currently studying an academic music course at Birmingham University, but had never formally studied music before that.

His interest in classical music was sparked when he saw the film Amadeus as a teenager, at which time he was playing electric guitar in a heavy metal band. It was not until years later that he discovered a love of opera.

The Conservatoire course is usually designed for those who want to become professional musicians, but Mr Gifford said he is not sure whether he will be able to do so.

"I want to enjoy the two years and get the most out of it," he said.