IT is a classic Tory tactic to try and sell you something that you already have.

Twenty years ago it was the gas and electricity utility companies and today it's the Swan Theatre.

Worcester had a high quality, professional theatre for more than 30 years that blended the best of professional and amateur production.

That was until the Tory City Council fell out with the Theatre Board and decided to close the company down.

Now the architect of the theatre's demise, Stephen Inman, is trying, in a desperate attempt to save his own political skin, to sell us the idea that the preservation of a very limited amateur theatre programme is a great success. The people of Worcester can see through this veneer.

Coun Inman must know that the people won't be fooled for long, and that they will soon recognise that they have been short-changed.

He just must be banking on the fact that they won't work it out until after May's elections.


St John's,
