I WAS very surprised and disappointed by your front page article of Friday, February 21, headlined "Theatre faces fresh setback".

In it, based on what you "understand", you imply that city opposition councillors would be in error if they sought to monitor the secret attempts of inept Tory "accountants" to salvage something from their loss of the Swan Theatre as we knew it.

I am sure that all Worcester citizens, mourning the loss of their beloved theatre, would expect the Labour opposition to keep tabs on Tory financial ventures to avoid further losses.

If the Tories were to make a decent effort to collect the huge debts owed to the council, they might be able to recoup some of their mismanagement losses.

I sincerely hope that Adrian Gregson does keep an eye on the performance of the Tory mismanagement trio.

Otherwise, Worcester may lose even more of its valued possessions.


Battenhall, Worcester.