MEMBERS from a town business group are being urged to speak up on proposals to apply for charitable status.

Droitwich Spa Association for Retail, Tourism and Services (DARTS) will hold an extraordinary general meeting to seek approval from Spa shopkeepers.

The organisation would have to convert to a company limited by guarantee and spend many hours preparing the application.

DARTS chairman Richard Brighton said: "We have recently taken over responsibility for the town's Christmas lights and are negotiating to bring further retail markets to the town.

"DARTS is becoming increasingly involved with a wider variety of activities, larger sums of money and many more commercial transactions and contracts.

"The executive committee believes strongly that charitable status is not only more appropriate in these circumstances but it will also bring with it many advantages in the areas of taxation, VAT, accountability and access to funding," Mr Brighton explained

The meeting, to be staged at the Raven Hotel, St Andrew's Street, is on Tuesday, March 18, between 5.30 and 6pm.

If resolutions are successful, a working party will form to handle the Charity Commission application.