THE best in African dance will get the audience at Ledbury's Market Theatre jumping.

Brekete will be at the venue tomorrow (Saturday) at 8pm armed with traditional dances, including the South African welly dance, and colourful costumes.

Dancers are drawn from Ghana, Sierra Leone, Mali, Senegal and South Africa. Tickets are available from Ledbury Books and Maps on 01531 633226.

The venue is drawing up plans for the coming months and is preparing to provide a platform for the best in local talent.

On April 12, the Malvern Big Band will be performing and in May it will be the turn of Ledbury Amateur and Dramatic Society.

The group is planning to stage a version of Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, described by chairman Paul Graham as very funny and fairly rude.

The play, fully cast and now in rehearsal, is the latest in a string of ambitious projects mounted by the group. Last year it tackled The Talented Mr Ripley and Thomas Hardy's classic Far from the Madding Crowd, as well as staging a pantomime version of Dracula in January.

LADS will be followed by the Colwall Players, who will be staging a version of Sheelagh Stevenson's The Memory of Water.