A FRESH bid for permission to set up a Countrywide retail store in Malvern Link has been mounted.

Change of use for BH Motors' showroom, vehicle rental depot and workshop in Worcester Road was originally granted by Malvern Hills District Council planners last November.

The site, at the junction of Townsend Way and Worcester Road, was to be turned into a Countrywide store and offices.

However, in granting permission, councillors went against officers' advice and planning policy for the area.

The decision was referred to a full planning committee meeting in January, which overturned the decision.

A new application has now been handed to the council with minor alterations to the original plan.

Site owner John Brook said he is hopeful that this time it will succeed, because restrictions on what the new store would sell have been added. He said he had not met anyone who opposed it.

Worcester-based firm Countrywide claims to be Britain's biggest retailer of farming supplies. It has 30 stores nationally, including stores in Upton-upon-Severn and Ledbury.

If permission is given, the Malvern shop will sell animal and plant nutrition products, equestrian products, clothing and footwear.

In a representation to the council in support of the application, the firm said the development would create between 10 and 12 jobs.

The deadline for comments to the council is Wednesday, March 18.