ANOTHER weapon has been deployed in the fight against crime and disorder in Malvern.

A new network of closed-circuit TV cameras has just gone live - and has already led to arrests.

The cameras have been installed by Malvern Hills District Council, which has worked closely with other authorities on the project.

Great Malvern has had its own CCTV system for some years, but the cameras were inadequate and monitoring the output proved difficult.

But now the old cameras have been replaced and new digital ones installed, giving a total of 10 in Great Malvern, five in Malvern Link and three in Barnards Green. The pictures are monitored in Pershore.


Kevin Douglas, of MHDC, says the new system is watched 24 hours a day, seven days a week by human operators, unlike the previous cameras.

If operators see suspicious activity, they can make direct contact with the control room, which can deploy officers. The feed from the digital cameras is recorded and can be used as evidence in court.

Mr Douglas said that in the short time since the cameras were activated, they have led to arrests on at least two occasions, though he could not give more details for legal reasons.

MHDC has worked closely with Wychavon District Council on the project and Geoff Bailey, of Worcester City Council, was seconded to Malvern to oversee the project because of his experience in the field.

A Home Office grant for £198,000 helped towards the project's total cost of £300,000. There were also contributions from Waitrose, whose car park is now monitored, and the police.