AN agricultural occupancy condition has been lifted from two houses to be built at Down's Bridge, Suckley, because they are not needed for agricultural purposes.

Planners heard that Stocks Farm already had six houses besides the farmhouse, but only three were needed for farm workers.

Permission was originally granted for two more to be built for agricultural occupancy, but no interest was shown when the plots were marketed at £47,000 each.

After members of a Malvern Hills District Council planning committee queried the price last month, independent advice was sought from the rural estates manager at Warwickshire County Council.

He confirmed that the price had been realistic at the time the plots were valued.

In the current market, after applying a 45 per cent discount to reflect the occupancy condition, a value of £71,000 per plot would be more appropriate, he said.

Suckley Parish Council said low-cost housing was needed in the area and suggested that social housing should be provided instead.

Planning officers said it would be unreasonable to demand social housing and recommended the removal of the occupancy condition, to which the planning committee agreed.