THE Mayor of Worcester will be led blindfolded through the city centre to raise awareness of hazards faced by the visually impaired.

A trained guide will lead Councillor Robert Rowden at 11am on Tuesday, March 11, from the Guildhall to Debenhams, to simulate a normal shopping trip for anyone with impaired vision.

Worcestershire Association for the Blind Rehabilitation Officer Gareth Edwards will lead Coun Rowden, demonstrating the correct way of guiding blind people, as well as pointing out potential hazards that occur on the way.

"It's impossible to imagine what life must be like for a blind person trying to negotiate a street," said the Mayor.

"We all need to be aware of the dangers a moment's thoughtlessness can cause, and that is why I'm more than pleased to help promote any initiative that'll help make the streets safer."

Said Sandy Bannister, director of Worcestershire Association for the Blind: "It's an initiative the Mayor holds dear, and we are grateful for his continuing support."