I HAVE to inform Mrs M Large that she is wrong about the hunting opinion polls.

They now consistently show that the majority in this country just doesn't support a ban.

This explains why the anti-hunt organisation has stopped commissioning them after watching support for a ban drop from 75 per cent to less than 40 per cent in only six years.

The reason that most people are in favour of sensible regulation rather than a simple ban is because they now have the facts about hunting.

For too long, the highly-paid bosses of the anti-hunt/animal rights businesses sat in their smart London offices dishing out propaganda.

Their glossy pictures and well-edited videos did well for a while, but eventually, everyone realised these people had been more than a bit economical with the truth.

The facts are easy to see and simple to understand. Where hunting takes place, the numbers of hares and red deer are plentiful because of hunting, not in spite of it. In plain terms, Mrs Large, hunting helps look after the countryside better than you.

H RAY, Colwall, Worcester.

n I HAVE to inform Mrs M Large that she is wrong about the hunting opinion polls.

They now consistently show that the majority in this country just doesn't support a ban.

This explains why the anti-hunt organisation has stopped commissioning them after watching support for a ban drop from 75 per cent to less than 40 per cent in only six years.

The reason that most people are in favour of sensible regulation rather than a simple ban is because they now have the facts about hunting.

For too long, the highly-paid bosses of the anti-hunt/animal rights businesses sat in their smart London offices dishing out propaganda.

Their glossy pictures and well-edited videos did well for a while, but eventually, everyone realised these people had been more than a bit economical with the truth.

The facts are easy to see and simple to understand. Where hunting takes place, the numbers of hares and red deer are plentiful because of hunting, not in spite of it. In plain terms, Mrs Large, hunting helps look after the countryside better than you.

H RAY, Colwall, Worcester.