IT'S heartening to see Dines Green children helping road safety officials to drive the anti-speeding message home.

In two hours, they recorded dozens of cars speeding on the nearby A44 - the fastest almost twice the 30mph limit.

Eleven people have been killed or seriously injured in crashes on the road during the past three years. It's an alarming statistic.

So is the fact that more than 40 per cent of all local collisions in which people are injured happen on urban roads with a 30mph limit.

Welcome though new anti-speeding measures will be near the A44's junction with Broadway Grove, it still leaves a huge number of people using roads in the Faithful City where they don't exist.

The Evening News archives hold dozens of cuttings charting the menace of speeding.

St Peter's Parish Council's campaign to enforce a 30mph speed limit on the estate, and Councillor Tom Wells's long fight for traffic-calming measures in Powick - which resulted in a 16mph drop in average speeds - are just two.

We hope the Dines Green pupils never have cause to remember the speeding message from anything other than their two hours beside the A44.

Sadly, logic says otherwise, unless stringent steps are taken to kill speed.

That certainty prompts us to repeat our regular call for a 20mph limit to be imposed in our towns and cities, as 40mph is now the norm in the county's villages.

Yes, it might cost someone their licence, maybe even their livelihood - but it will save a lot of grief in other homes.