CARDENTS were the top scorers in Monday Division One of the E & E Engineering Worcester Friendly Skittle League.

Their total of 466 was enough to beat Wild Bunch by 18 pins.

Division One

Hillbillies 421 (20) S.Lane 47, Wasps 384 (0) R.Mann, M.Newman, T.Simmons, G.Mitchenall 34; Transporters 366 (0) C.Sier, T.Hughes 36, Runaways 414 (20) A.Seldon 42; Rushwick 445 (18) D.Meigh 48, Mike Meigh 42, P.Johnson 41, Thunderbirds 432 (2) N.Hardman, M.Parry 41; Dirty Dozen 407 (18) R.Tinsley 43, Travellers 398 (2) D.Lucy 42; Cardents 466 (16) A.Richardson 46, S.Duffett, A.Hudspith 45, P.Holt, A.Jones 41, Paul Smith 40, Wild Bunch 448 (4) D.M.Poole 48, D.Lamb 47, D.Edwards, B.Cox 42, G.Brixey 41; Marauders 411 (18) N.Vobe, M.Vobe 42, Glovers Needle 388 (2) H.Mowbray 36; Countymen 395 (4) R.Essex 39, Castaways 396 (16) G.Drew 42; Crown Regulars 408 (6) C.Meers 41, Kingfishers 410 (14) C.Davis 42.

Division Two

Harrys Heroes 380 (2) S.Dowling 39, Lakes 403 (18) A.Jeffries 44; Claines R.B.L 391 (4) M.Smith 39, Redundants 397 (16) D.Tinson 42, G.Mayers 41; County Officers 412 (16) A.Hammond 41, R.Peregrine 40, Interliners 409 (4) B.Payne, J.Howells 39; Wizards 347 (3) D.James 36, Fox Cubs 361 (17) R.Dale, D.Lewis, E.Platt 35; M & M's 377 (2) A.Gwinnett, P.Blane 39, Millers 394 (18) A.Pinches 39; Signals 358 (14) B.Williams 36, Dingles 356 (6) A.Blomfield 39; St Oswalds 400 (18) E.Turley 51, Sharpshooters 381 (2) G.Williams 40.