WHENEVER a Muslim fundamentalist murders innocent men, women, and children, by acting as a suicide bomber, or by forcing hijacked aeroplanes to fly into building, there is no Christian backlash against the Muslim world.

Trade and diplomatic relations are maintained between nations, and in towns like Worcester, there has been no dissemble increase in friction between the various religious factions.

This is only right for two reasons. Firstly, the majority of any group or community cannot be held responsible for the reckless or evil actions of a maniacal minority within their community, except where the majority supports those actions.

Secondly, in my understanding, the Koran - not unlike the Christian Bible - preaches forgiveness, compassion, and love, not the cold-blooded murder of innocents.

Therefore, despite their proclamations, these evildoers cannot be considered to be true Muslims.

Equally, in Palestine, the illegal enforced occupation of Palestinian land by Israel, is not something that can be justified under God.

