I WAS surprised to read Councillor Simon Geraghty's claim that OAPs in Worcester have better concessionary travel than those in Malvern Hills and Wychavon (Evening News, Monday, February 24).

It is my understanding that pensioners in those two districts are able to obtain concessionary fares for travel within and beyond their district boundaries, whereas pensioners in Worcester are limited to travel within the city.

So pensioners in, say, Malvern or Evesham would be able to travel at half price from those towns to Worcester and back, whereas pensioners in Worcester could only get half-price travel to the city boundary.

Perhaps Coun Geraghty could explain how the latter is more generous than the Malvern Hills and Wychavon schemes.

What this does show is how ridiculous it is to leave the matter to district councils.

There should be a countywide scheme giving pensioners concessionary travel throughout the county.


Palmers Green, Worcester.