I READ with dismay the headlines in the Thursday, February 27, edition of the Evening News.

I worked as a district nurse for 19 years and saw many changes.

Now that surgeries have practice nurses, all mobile patients are already treated there and not at home.

This enables the district nurse to care for the house-bound and bed-ridden.

With the shortage of hospital beds, increasing day surgery and shorter stays in hospital, these nurses have taken on more and more responsibility, carrying out complex treatments that often take a considerable length of time.

Nurses in the community have already been downgraded and surely safety must be compromised if less qualified staff are to be used.

I ended my years in a part management, part hands-on job. I frequently resented going to meetings that I considered to be a waste of time and money, when I was aware that my colleagues were rushed off their feet.

I worked with a dedicated team of nurses and health visitors to children and the elderly, who gave unstinting support to their clients, giving freely of their own time when necessary

Surely it's time to reduce management levels and costs and give more, not less support to those who give the hands-on care at grassroots level.


Callow End,
